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(free online VOD screening + conversation)


Directed by Gavin Guerra (Documentary, 108 minutes, USA)


Watch this timely and topical special YoFiFest on-demand screening of the film voted "Best Feature" at 2020 Whistleblower Summit & Film Festival and then join us for a conversation with the filmmaker and other special guests on ZOOM 9.24 at 8pm EST.


“Stealing elections” and “illegal voting” can sound like words meant to whip southern white voters into a frenzy. To the mid-twentieth century activists who lived the brutal history of voter intimidation and literacy tests, the current voter ID debate recalls a familiar tune. Now, the legal battle over voting rights in North Carolina puts a new generation of activists in all-too-familiar territory—fighting laws specifically enacted to intimidate and disenfranchise African Americans at the polls. 


Since the founding of this country, who gets to vote has been a contested issue. In 2013 a controversial Supreme Court ruling that gutted the Voting Rights Act further inflamed the issue as photo ID requirements and other strict voting regulations spread to many states. LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE connects the dots across generations to illustrate how events from over 50 years ago are still reverberating in today’s heated political climate.


Featuring: Congressman John Lewis, Harry Belefonte, Rev. T. Anthony Spearman, Courtland Cox, Rev. William Barber II, Bob Moses, and others.


Here's how it works:

1. Click below to get your ticket (FYI, only one ticket needed per screen, so the whole family can watch together).

2. We'll send you a link to the film to watch at your convenience on any web-enabled device, as well as an invitation to the online conversation on Zoom.

3. Join us for a talkback with the filmmaker and a conversation about the film and the topics it examines..

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